How to build a Pet First-Aid Kit

Most pet parents know that accidents happen when you least expect it. Whether it be on a camping trip, out at the beach, or even at home, it’s always great to have a first-aid kit on hand just in case your pet is in need of emergency care.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to make a first-aid kit for your pet, and these kits can be compact enough to carry around with you when necessary. So we’ve rounded up the essentials for your DIY first-aid kit. 

What you’ll need:

Pet First Aid Kit

*Please note that you should not use human bandages and tape when there are pet-friendly bandages that can be purchased. 

Remember to check your kit every couple months to ensure that nothing has to be replaced. Put your kits out of reach of children, but still in an easy-to-access spot where it won’t be forgotten.

When to seek emergency care:

In stressful situations, it can be difficult to determine whether your pet needs emergency medical attention. Notably, you should contact your veterinarian in the following situations:

  • Your pet is struggling to breath, or is breathing rapidly or noisily.
  • There is excessive pawing at the mouth. 
  • If there is consistent or distressing coughing. 
  • Your pet suddenly seems off-balance.
  • Your pet suddenly has difficulty urinating or defecating. Blockage of the bladder can very quickly become serious in male animals.
  • Your pet is repeatedly vomiting or retching. 
  • There are signs of blood in the faeces and your pet seems weak or generally unwell
  • There is no heartbeat.
  • Your pet is showing signs of heatstroke. Look for signs like drooling, panting, rapid heart rate and increased temperature. 
  • Your pet seems to be in shock and has a weak pulse, shallow breathing and dazed eyes.
  • There are sudden seizures, lethargy, or collapse.
  • Your pet has suffered from a burn.

You can learn more about our VetMed Wound and Skin Care, VetMed Eye Wash, and VetMed Ear Rinse here.

